
the Rouse pica gaugePharmeceuticals and Politics
crowd the mental airwaves today | here's a couple of finds

 • Corsello Center's News briefs | News about the Pharmaceutical and Conventional Medicine industries that you won't find on the cover of the New York Times [or the Post, for that matter] | Full disclosure: Corsello Center is an "Alternative medicine Center which uses natural modalities of treatment such as herbs, vitamins, acupuncture and life-style changes all of which are eventually going to be incorporated in what orthodox medicine calls Integrative medicine." Nothing wrong with this | I'm telling you now so the readers who are afraid of other perspectives won't have to click on the site | Their loss |
 • Psuedoscience in Psyche | A personal website by Alex Chernavsky | Hard hitting | Uncompromising | The material he researches falls into two main categories : Avaricous Drug Companies and Charlatans posing as mental health professionals | Well researched and easy to maneuver through the site | I like it | Includes the standard "I am not a Scientologist" disclaimer requist for sites critical of conventional psychiatry |
 • Soteria Associates | Loren Mosher was a respected fellow with the American Psychiatric Association who, in 1998, resigned from that group amidst much consternation and fanfare | He went on to champion working with troubled souls without reliance of the psychopharm industry | His efforts included developing Soteria Associates |
 • Mercenaries and Margaret Thatcher's son | Kathryn Cramer is up to her usual through watch-dogging of the misadevntures of children of the power elite | Leaders, they are not | Machivellian schemers, manipulators, bad seed, demon spawn?; that's another story | Here's the complete thread on Mark Thatcher's dirty dealings | Thanks, Kathryn, for a reporting job well done |


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