
photos E Fuller Torrey | © 2001 Psyche Laws/TAC || Sally Satel | © 2003 C-Span's Booknotes
Psychiatry has long been infamous for its shrouded segment that promotes social control, social engineering and mental abuse | Now, Dubya, Inc, aided by extremists such as E. Fuller Torrey and Sally Satel, is getting into the act officially with its push to decide who among us is mentally ill |
     As part of the so-called New Freedom Initatives Bush Rove et al want to screen all Americans [starting with children; I've made note of this before] to see "...that the screening be linked with “treatment and supports,” using “specific medications for specific conditions.”
     The whole idea of top government involvement in determining who is or isn't sane is disturbing |
     Both Torrey and Satel are prodigiously published | Moreover, some of the criticisms they have presented against current health care system shortcomings have validity | But other points to their beliefs go unquestioned | Torrey once postulated [and had published, in 1973, by Psychiatric News] that schizophrenia was caused by allergies to cats | Ms. Satel, said to be a personal friend of Laura Bush and a fellow with the Neocon think tank American Enterprise Institute, has been critized for getting fuzzy between factual commentary and doctrinaire opinion | Rarely is their authority seriously analyzed |
     It quickly heads us down some slippery slopes | First, Dr. Fred Goodwin is still preoccupied with using drugs on children | Then, from a broader perspective, after the "assessment," Torrey and Satel both openly and actively promote involuntary treatment modalities [e.g. forced drugging, electroshock] Torrey doing so directly at the Treatment Advocacy Center | With this in mind how far away are we from Psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, who conducted depatterning experiments on unsuspecting citizens, or a newer version of MKUltra or even The Manchurian Candidate | I don't have answers here, mind you, just asking people to thinkl of the ramifications of such radical lines of thinking |
     On a lighter note, these concepts have their detractors |
Related Links | E Fuller Torrey's self-promotional bio | Sally Satel's homepage | Predecessors to these controversial thinkers include Dr. Fred Goodwin, who promoted the Violence Initative | An article on the risks of reducing some "ality" or "ism" as a root cause of social problems | Another mention of Ewen Cameron | And how far away from all of this are "places" such as those described in Military curiosity and the tragic sense of life | Another interesting link is DARPA the agency that wanted to develop the Total Information Awareness Network and the Terrorism Futures Market | finally, if this stuff doesn't make you lose sleep, check out Chemtrail Central |


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